Proportional mixers are used to properly mix concentrates with water producing working solutions and make-up solutions. Typical applications for proportional mixing pumps are coolants, cleaners, strippers, degreasers, fertilizers, and fungicides.

  • Save labor by mixing faster than by hand
  • Automatic models save even more by keeping containers full unattended
  • More accurate than hand mixing
  • Safer because less contact with concentrates
  • Lean coolant mixtures can cause excessive tool wear, corrosion on parts and machines, and increased bacteria growth
  • Rich coolant mixtures can cause sticky or slippery residues, operator irritation, and waste expensive concentrate
  • Lean cleaner mixtures won’t perform as intended

Thank you for shopping with Coolant Consultants. We will be out of the office Monday, July 29 through Wednesday, July 31. You may still place an order through our website. However, order processing will be delayed during this time. We will resume order processing and shipping promptly when we return on Thursday, August 1st. We appreciate your patience and continued support.